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LPR Readiness Assessment
We are looking for people who are willing to make the effort to making the world a better place with their leadership. Since we seek diversity in groups, organizational or employment status is not an automatic (dis)qualifier for joining. The key link between our members is their commitment to the peer group and the process.
Indicates required field
What is your current employment status?
Employed (regardless of level)
Self-Employed (including entrepreneurs)
Investor / Board member
Explain if other
How much revenue are you currently personally responsible for? *Note this does not mean compensation
Less than $100,000
$100,001 - $500,000
$500,001 - $1,000,000
$1,000,000 - $4,999,000
More than $5,000,000
Please share a personal story that demonstrates your commitment or motivation to becoming a better leader.
Why is this the right time for you to begin LPR?
Check all that apply
I am over 18
I am willing and able to commit to a process that will enhance my Leadership Capabilities.
I agree to practice Courage, Humility, and Discipline by actively participating in a Peer Review of my actual Leadership Behavior.
I have been honest to the best of my ability in filling out this readiness assessment.
I agree to receiving marketing and promotional materials
Ethics Policy
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